Monday, 1 August 2011

Off Topic!

After spending much of today working I decided to give myself a little time off for some photography. After walking much of last night I was too tired to actually go out, so instead settled in the garden where there is a surprising amount of interesting things to photograph!

We have a red-tailed bumblebee hive in the garden. In the photo below you can see the bee standing over the small opening to the nest. They are often seen visiting the flowers, busily gorging themselves on nectar before heading back underground; they're also pretty docile and weren't bothered at all by my close presence which allowed me to get this shot:

This cheeky house mouse was scavenging for scraps left by the birds. He's quite timid but I could still get relatively close without causing him any stress; although, he was very interested in the sound of my camera shutter:

We also recently had a wood pigeon nest in the garden. The two chicks have now fledged successfully although do still try to steal food from their parents. This is one of the adults (young don't have the white collar before their moult), I was able to get closer than usual as they are still pretty attached to their nest:

You don't always have to travel far to find unusual things to photograph. In our garden one of the regular visitors is a white wood pigeon. I would say it's leucistic rather than an albino as it does still have a few patches of pigmentation and it's eyes are the normal lightish blue colour rather than pink. He's very timid, like most wood pigeons, and does not often visit the garden while there are people outside so he's pretty awkward to get good photographs of:

In this photo you can see a slightly brighter white of the collar.

Typical wing and tail bars of a wood pigeon just as a lighter brown rather than the usual grey colour.

Mottled brown pigmentation.
Hope to visit Bickerton again at the weekend, this was just an excuse to get away from my looming pile of coursework!

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